D&I is nothing new, but it is surprising how many businesses still have not quite got it right. For any business to prosper in its mission, it cannot expect to do things the same way time and time again. A business needs to innovate and provide a collaborative workspace for new ideas to be shared and taken seriously. If a business continuously hires the same type of person, from the same type of universities, from the same type of social backgrounds, then it may be difficult to achieve that type of environment. Businesses should not discriminate against an individual’s Gender, Colour, Race or National Origin, Age, Disability, Sexuality and Religion amongst many other things. It is important to build a collaborative working force which is rich with experience and ideas, by hiring all different types of people from different walks of life you are maximising the opportunity to achieve this.
We recognize this. It is incredibly important to us and is our policy to deliver diverse shortlists to all vacancies.